Wednesday 24 November 2010

Filming issues

Throughout filming me and my group have faced many difficulties such as faulty camera's and lack of comitted cast.
whilst we were filming crutial scenes for our trailer the school camera failed on us we then had to find a replacement camera as the filming was urgent and we were running out of time, we now have film on a cassete and memory card. Uploading the footage from the memory card has been a struggle as there are formating issues which allowed the footage only to be uploaded to a PC, today on the 24 of November 2010 the technician told us that the footage is now invalid on the PC and Apple Mac.
Me and my media group are now facing a huge dilema as our footage is refusing to import on both Apple and PC and all coursework is due next Wednesday 1st December 2010. We now have to re-shoot a vast majority of our trailer days before our work is due making sure that our NEW cast will not fail us and that we re-shoot with enough time to edit before Wednesday.

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