Sunday 12 September 2010

Which is more important, images or words?

Many may ask which is more powerful when it comes to advertising a newly released film, words or images?. It could be said that both are very vital when advertising a film they both have strong advantage when appealing to their chosen target audiences.
Images are strong in a sense that they are what people would focus on more, for example just the logo or motif of a product will make the product sell more so if they apply this method on film posters they could make the image speak louder than the title, therefore catching the attention of more people than usual. The average person will say that there going to go and see a film because it looks good, this is another example off the image being stronger than words, an image can reveal the nature of the film using different screen shots from various scenes of the film. Therefore the audience can reassure themselves with a visual and an understanding of what kind of story line will take place within the film. As well selling the film with the images they will be promoting the actors, this gives the film an even bigger advantage when advertising with images because there are many fans who go to watch a screening to see the work done by certain actors. Thus giving the film a broader audience to advertise to when using images.
On the other hand, words, in depth have so much meaning and if analysed properly could reveal a whole story line. When it comes to film titling I think that the words used are thought about very carefully. Certain films have a certain target audiences, so when they choose their title they will be sure that their audience will understand the meaning and significance of the name and also appeal to them, the trick is to reveal but never to much other wise the plot could be ruined.
In my personal opinion I believe that words are actually more important. They carry a secret meaning and when studied in depth with a proper analytical mind you can discover the true meaning and agenda of the film and not to mention you will understand why it was that a film has been given its name. Films can reach out to their specific target audience

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