Monday 13 September 2010

Analyzing a film trailer

'Let Me In'

We are told the name of the film at the end of the trailer emphasing the young girls desperate need as a vampire to be let in and it has been said as a tale that vampires 'always come knocking' for their victims. We see all types of action such as the typical strange supernatural characteristics of a vampires to be jumping up trees, walking bare foot and attacking people. The music plays a key element as it is very mysterious yet alert just like the title and the tempo quickens as parts of the scene begin show action. The speed alters through the trailer as we are going through a short story board in the beginning of what happens but then as we SEE what happens camera shots and editing increases rapidly.
The trailer is definitely more effective as it shows the troubled actions of the young vampire and what she is capable of whereas the poster shows us a lot less but would still grab attention so it could work both ways. This kind of remarkable trailer would definitely be seen in a movie theatre rather than a TV ad to lure the viewer
more into watching it and it would be a good taster for a cinema atmosphere.

Whilst watching the trailer to 'Let me in' I realized that they make the audience aware that the same producers that are creating 'Let me in' were the same producers responsible for 'Cloverfield'

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