Tuesday 28 December 2010

evaluation question 4

Evaluation question 3

How have you learned from audience feedback?

Audience feedback gave me a strong idea of what the audience prefer to see within my film poster and advertisement of my upcoming movie also advising me of significant changes that will aid my campaign, giving me a clear insight into their mind and thoughts allowing me to see how my audience would be attracted to my product.
Feedback regarding changes to font, colour, size and images used aided my campaign. Whilst talking to my individuals I felt that they were in sync with my product and ideas as if they also wanted the outcome to be as successful as can be.
My initial poster idea was stretched out into three different posters, this allowed me have diverse choice when selecting my final movie poster. At first I and my group had discussed and given feedback to each other on the cover, individuals were then asked for their preferences on the magazine covers. They commented on the layouts and which magazine appeared more like a publication rather than coursework.
I learnt that without audience feedback you are putting the success of your product at risk of being unnecessary to the market and less appealable to a target audience. Feedback is a major priority throughout a media campaign; this is clearly evident in any successful media associated product.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Evaluation question 2

I believe it is evident when comparing my advertisement campaign to that of others with the same intent as my product; I cater to a large target audience of 18+ young adults whom thrive of the movie genre of my product. This allows me to target my campaign not only to the UK resident but even a global campaign via assessable platforms such as the internet.
My trailer will be promoted via sociable internet sites, huge exposure will be given to our key target audience. The intensity and restricted information is our main USP in our trailer the sense of ambiguity will then lead the audience with the curiosity of our product; most importantly they would then research into film using a familiar media platform thus drawing the audience in. Synergy is used throughout our campaign; this will build a form of hype amongst our key target audience allowing them to comment on the new release in the midst of their social circles consequently promoting to each other, widening our campaign before the official theatrical trailer has yet not been released following a promotion of posters. I developed the example of a viral campaign which I had witnessed and attended at its release, 2008 saw a wide online advertisement campaign of upcoming movie release Cloverfield via Myspace. The online promotion for Cloverfield saw to it that the movie would gain massive exposure to its key target audience.
The technique allows movies that to do not already have a huge audience, create a viral hype which soon escalates so wide recognition. For example a Superman(Bryan Singer, 2006) only had to release the famous iconic symbol which represents Superman as a poster considering Superman has an existing fan base which date back to years therefore catering to a global audience of all ages.

Monday 13 December 2010

Final film cover

Wednesday 8 December 2010

E.Q No.1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?

1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product? on Prezi [prezi link appears as corrupt on blogger, seek assitance]

My media product develops forms and conventions of existing media products instead of challenging them. An audience is prone to relate the contents of a horror film with a previous one and notice the repetition or similarities in their story lines. Burton’s formula talks of this and calls it repetition that being that what we see is just a more up to date version of previous films just put in present day context. My media product provides the audience with a current horror film which follows Burton’s repetition formula. This is an example of my media product developing the conventions of a real media product as well as my horror film developing the roles of the stock characters. The identity of the killer in some films is one that is the least likely to be suspected e.g. SCREAM the killer was Cindy’s boyfriend as well as another close peer. However my film tackles the idea of a stereotypical male villain, as our society has evolved since that of patriarchal times we were determined to make our ‘villain’ a female, many of the stock characters remain the same as this adds to the ‘repetition’ spoken about in Burton’s formula.I decided to follow examples of existing horror trailers and their use of the fast rapid shots of scenes which contain the thrill of a horror film thus bringing in the enticing the audience and creating hype for our film. I believe that one of my trailers strong points is that we challenge the convention of the usage of a main weapon. Many films such as SCREAM and HALLOWEEN use knife and this is evident in their trailers whereas ours does not exploit the use of a murderous weapon, creating more suspense for the audience. My trailer never reveals the identity of the killer as this will ruin the idea of a teaser trailer. To some extent my movie challenges some conventions as the stereotypical vulnerable female stock character has evolved into a ‘villain’ due to a traumatizing rape from a fellow peer, leading her to take revenge on her circle of friends leaving the masculine ‘jock’ last. SCREAM has a similar ending, Cindy was the main target and was left last to kill by her boyfriend whom took disguise as in a cloak and mask. We challenged this ending by having our female masked killer leaving the male ‘jock’ last on her list. I believe that my media product develops the conventions of an existing media product and it’s been made evident through the planning of my movie.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Filming issues

Throughout filming me and my group have faced many difficulties such as faulty camera's and lack of comitted cast.
whilst we were filming crutial scenes for our trailer the school camera failed on us we then had to find a replacement camera as the filming was urgent and we were running out of time, we now have film on a cassete and memory card. Uploading the footage from the memory card has been a struggle as there are formating issues which allowed the footage only to be uploaded to a PC, today on the 24 of November 2010 the technician told us that the footage is now invalid on the PC and Apple Mac.
Me and my media group are now facing a huge dilema as our footage is refusing to import on both Apple and PC and all coursework is due next Wednesday 1st December 2010. We now have to re-shoot a vast majority of our trailer days before our work is due making sure that our NEW cast will not fail us and that we re-shoot with enough time to edit before Wednesday.