Wednesday 24 November 2010

Filming issues

Throughout filming me and my group have faced many difficulties such as faulty camera's and lack of comitted cast.
whilst we were filming crutial scenes for our trailer the school camera failed on us we then had to find a replacement camera as the filming was urgent and we were running out of time, we now have film on a cassete and memory card. Uploading the footage from the memory card has been a struggle as there are formating issues which allowed the footage only to be uploaded to a PC, today on the 24 of November 2010 the technician told us that the footage is now invalid on the PC and Apple Mac.
Me and my media group are now facing a huge dilema as our footage is refusing to import on both Apple and PC and all coursework is due next Wednesday 1st December 2010. We now have to re-shoot a vast majority of our trailer days before our work is due making sure that our NEW cast will not fail us and that we re-shoot with enough time to edit before Wednesday.

Friday 19 November 2010

Me and me media group have decided that the will divide the work between each other, film posters was my task. I decided that i should do the movie covers as i feel comfortable with photoshop from my coursework from last year.
I came up with three draft copies and have now begun discussing with my group which will be our final choice. I also created the a name for the movie production which will work in co-operation with out film, ' Paranormal Productions' is our movie production.
We originally came up with the name 'SHE LOVES ME, SHE LOVES ME NOT' but we then decided that we should shorten it to 'SHE LOVES ME NOT'. I have now made the film title and used it on my blog title.
Manipulating the images on photoshop was a struggle as i needed to make the covers resemble a horror poster as much as possible. When creating the covers on photoshop i had to be sure that the colors, font and images worked well together.

Friday 5 November 2010

Risk assement

Health and Safety/Risk Assessment

I looked into the health and safety for my actors and group whilst filming our trailer.
Producers should ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons working with and for them are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. An example of what may be considered reasonably practicable would be if location filming was taking place in a warehouse with poor lighting. It would be appropriate to ensure that extra lighting is used and that all sharp or otherwise hazardous equipment is made safe.

You should have at least one experienced member of the crew who is aware of health and safety issues.

Some genres may pose more risks than others i.e. horror or action films or scenes involving animals. The production team should discuss safety issues before filming begins and take steps to avoid or reduce the risks identified.

We also looked at the use of equipment and the safety used around it.

And we obviously had to look at the risks involved with our filming/locations:

- Know the fire exits

- Know when the park closes

- No real weapons

- Film in big groups

- Be aware of the area

I created the script for our movie trailer and then screen printed it so that i could upload an image of the document.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

film ratings

No-one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema. No-one younger than 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video work.

November 3rd 2010: Media lesson

Today was our first lesson back from half term, I was given a task to go over my blog and assess my work. I was given an evaluation sheet and evaluated my blog giving my self a level for each criteria out of 4, 1 being the lowest and 4 being the highest. After evaluating my blog me and my group had an editorial meeting to organize what each of us would be doing and we recorded this on a 'student action sheet', this has allowed us to be sure of what each member of the group will be doing in the next couple of days. This action sheet has made the work load equal on the group as no one is doing more than others and the sheet almost gives the group personal deadlines that should be met so that we can continue on with the next task at hand.

Monday 1 November 2010

Planning our Film tittle

Me and my media group have already decided that our movie tittle will be ' SHE LOVES ME, SHE LOVES ME NOT'. In t he image above you see that we have tested out different tittle styles and from here will decide on two final font styles and then design them both and choose our final movie tittle.