Friday 16 July 2010

Brief-The Meeting.

My first task was to work in a group of Four and plan a story board of a short film clip called " The Meeting ". We then planned the basis of our short clip and designated everyone role in what they would be doing, we then setup where we would the start filming. As a group we decided to take as many shots as possible so that when it came to editing we could use different angles and shot types to show our creativity.
Our short clip was based on friendship rivalry and how it makes you feel alienated. Two friends had gone through in their pasts, one of the friends decided to confront her former friend - Things went wrong and the atmosphere turned cold. This short film shows the way friendships can and have been ruined and shows the after mark of a broken relationship.
whilst filming in this tasks i learnt various things one of which, how important editing is. Editing can create mood and atmosphere within a scene ad can highlight the importance of certain objects or glances. Lighting, par of editing can tell us about a particular person and how there moods are being reflected.
I will be putting what I have learnt from this task towards my year 13 coursework, the making of a horror trailer.


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