Friday 15 October 2010

Research into a range of Horror films that links to our concept

Me and my media group have been having group discussions as to what our movie conception wll be based on. As 'slasher horror' is the am we have decided that our movie will be about murders that take place withing a group of friends. I have looked into films that follow our story line. ; Scream, Urban Legend and sorority row.
Props: Within each of the movies above the main props are very obvious and repetetive. 'Scream' uses much technology such as computers and mobile phones this is seen through out each film, the killers weapon in this film is mainly a sharp bladed knife or a gun also the film uses the typical costume for the killer keeping his identity hidden, the idea of the weapon being a knife is seen in the other films. 'sorority Row' uses similar stock characters as 'Scream' diffrence being the female dominent character. The main killing prop in 'Sorority Row' is firstly a normal lug wrench then later on the lug wrench has fo sharper serated edges, this film also follows the use of a costume. 'Urban Legend' uses less recgonasible killing props as each murder is though out differently therefore less repetetion of a murder weapon, the costume prop is also used in this film.
In a slasher horror you wll normally see the main killing prop and or a costume to withold the identity of the killer untill the end of the movie. When filming our trailer and story-boarding our movie concept, the importance of Props will be taken into account especially when building the characters profile for the main killer or attacker.

Settings/Locations: whilst props my group researched into settings/Locations\



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