Tuesday 26 October 2010

Filming for our Horror Trailer

Me and my media group have been already created our film concept, recruited our cast list and obtained our props and costume for the filming. So we decided that during our half term holiday we will meet up with our cast and film for our trailer. I took pictures of my group whilst filming to record our efforts as a team. We hope that the footage we film over the holiday will be enough but we will see when it comes to editing.
Monday 25 October 2010: Day 1 of filming.

Tuesday 26 October 2010: Day 2 Of Filming

Due to today's weather we had to post pone filming.

Friday 29 October 2010: Day 3 Of Filming

Filming from 4:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m., due to the rain this session had to be cut short because it effected the filming to much to continue

Filming for our Horror Trailer

Friday 22 October 2010

Research into Film Titles and font

Killer Research

When comparing the Killers in different Slasher horrors i realized that most of them either conceal their identity using an erie costume and this would normally be accompanied with a weapon mainly a Knife or a a serrated object, this would be the murder weapon throughout the film or the killer may switch to anything that is convenient to them.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Film title and Synopsis to our movie



The film opens at a school entrance, Amanda Ridgegate, Jess banks, Jared Stevenson, Matt Gordon and Luke Reid are eating their lunch and talking about their plans for after school. They leave school and head home.
Once at home Amanda receives an instant message form jess regarding an anonymous online message (Face book), which both her and Jared received. Amanda goes to check her inbox and realises she has one unread message. She goes to open her message and is faced with an image of her bedroom window, she runs to look outside to find no one but the empty road that she lives on.
At school when the group is together they all discuss the messages and come to the conclusion that it is just a prank by someone in the school. Amanda is left really shaken by the situation and has become very wary of everything that goes on around her.
The messages keep everyone cautious and they all decide to keep a look out for anyone suspicious they even become to suspect their friends within their circle and this causes tension between them. As the friends have been keeping out of touch the stalker decides that this is the best time to attack.
The friends are murdered one by one, best friends Jess and Amanda and boyfriend Jared remain alive.Jess is nowhere to be found and Amanda has been held hostage, Jared receives an inbox revealing whereabouts of Amanda. He then goes in search for his girlfriend Amanda to the hidden location, He is then confronted with the attacker, and Amanda seems to be becoming conscious again. They are in for an unexpected surprise.[COMING SOON]


Stock Characters

Plots and Stock Situations


She Love's Me, She Loves Me Not

The film opens at a school entrance, Amanda Ridgegate, Jess Banks, Jared Stevenson, Matt Gordan and Luke Reid are eating their lunch and talking about their plans for after school. They leave school and head home.

Once at home Amanda receives an instant message from Jess regarding an anonymous online message (Facebook), which both her and Jared received. Amanda goes to check her inbox and realies she has one unread message. She goes to open her message and is faced with an image of her bedroom window, she runs to look outside to find no one but empty road that she lives on.

At school when the group is together they all discuss the messages and come to the conclusion that it is just a prank by someone in the school. Amanda is left really shaken by the situation and has become very wary of everything that goes on around her. The messages keep everyone cautious and they all decide to keep a look out for anyone suspicious they even become to suspect their friends within their circle and this causes tension between them. As the friends have been keeping out of touch the stalker decides that this is the best time toattack. The friends are murdered one by one, best friends Jess and Amanda and boyfriend Jared remain alive.Jess is nowhere to be found and Amanda has been held hostage, Jared receives an inbox revealing whereabouts of Amanda. He then goes in search for his girlfriend Amanda to the hidden location. He is then confronted withthe attacker, and Amanda seems to be becoming conscious again. They are in for an unexpected surprise. [COMING SOON]

Amanda Ridgegate: Chantel Ghela
Jessica Reynolds: Husniye Guler
Jared Stevenson: Luc Warring
Matt Gordon: Steven Letts
Luke Reid: Cenksoy Djemal Research into character roles
whilst researching into other film synopsis thaty most resemble mine i have realised that the main characters are more or less 'Best of friends', our film challanges this and makes the Best friend 'Jess' be the killer, her main reason for doign so is that she was raped by her best friend (amanda) boyfriend, Jared. Jess believes that her circle of friends are aware of what he had done to her and she then cuts herself off from them and kills them of one by one leaving Amanda and Jared to be her last victims.....

· Technology: Mobile phones, computer
· Mask and costume to conceal the identity of the attacker/stalker
· Attire to suite the stock characters roles

Whilst looking for our props i found other material which i thought i should take note to show that the time was taking into prop research.
The image on the right is what i purchased for the making of our film, we are still looking into full attire for the killer/stalker although we have already agreed on the typical full body attire which will engulf the character not revealing the identity of him/her.

Mask below was purchased as part of our props for the making of the trailer.

Friday 15 October 2010

Research into a range of Horror films that links to our concept

Me and my media group have been having group discussions as to what our movie conception wll be based on. As 'slasher horror' is the am we have decided that our movie will be about murders that take place withing a group of friends. I have looked into films that follow our story line. ; Scream, Urban Legend and sorority row.
Props: Within each of the movies above the main props are very obvious and repetetive. 'Scream' uses much technology such as computers and mobile phones this is seen through out each film, the killers weapon in this film is mainly a sharp bladed knife or a gun also the film uses the typical costume for the killer keeping his identity hidden, the idea of the weapon being a knife is seen in the other films. 'sorority Row' uses similar stock characters as 'Scream' diffrence being the female dominent character. The main killing prop in 'Sorority Row' is firstly a normal lug wrench then later on the lug wrench has fo sharper serated edges, this film also follows the use of a costume. 'Urban Legend' uses less recgonasible killing props as each murder is though out differently therefore less repetetion of a murder weapon, the costume prop is also used in this film.
In a slasher horror you wll normally see the main killing prop and or a costume to withold the identity of the killer untill the end of the movie. When filming our trailer and story-boarding our movie concept, the importance of Props will be taken into account especially when building the characters profile for the main killer or attacker.

Settings/Locations: whilst props my group researched into settings/Locations\



Wednesday 13 October 2010


Wednesday 6 October 2010

Analysing a film synopsis

Key terms;
Main character
stock character

A couple, David (Luke Wilson) and Amy Fox (Kate Beckinsale) take a wrong turn on a remote mountain road. When their car breaks down, they realize they are in a cell phone dead zone, with no reception. They then decide to check into a completely isolated motel in a rural area with a strangely off-putting manager called Mason (Frank Whaley).While in their room, a bored David takes a peek at the video tapes left on top of the television. As he watches the tapes, he realizes they are snuff films, taken in the very room in which they are staying. The couple are alarmed by this as well as loud, insistent banging coming from the door to the adjacent room, and try to run away. Men dressed in black and wearing masks stop them, and they return to their room. David makes a run to the motel's payphone booth to no avail, escaping it just before a car crashes into it. The couple decides to lock themselves in the room when they notice a truck pull in. They try to warn the truck driver only to find out that he's actually there to buy a box of tapes of the snuff films.David and Amy escape into a tunnel that they discover in the bathroom of their room. Two of the masked people chase them inside the tunnel, but the couple evade them. David and Amy end up inside the manager's lair, where they find video monitors taping the entire hotel. Amy tries to make a call to 911 but is interrupted before she can give the operator any useful information. The couple sneak back into the tunnel, making their way into the auto garage across the lot from the motel. Meanwhile, the police unit responding to Amy's call arrives and David and Amy run to him (police officer) as he checks the rooms. They all get inside the police car but it has been sabotaged and the killers murder the policeman while he looks under the hood.The couple run into one of the other motel rooms. David hides Amy in a space inside the ceiling, whilst he ventures out. The killers catch and stab David and he ends up lying unconscious in the doorway. When morning comes, Amy comes down from the ceiling and finds where the killers hid their car. As Amy drives away, a killer breaks into the car from the sun roof, and in her effort to fend him off while driving, Amy crashes the car into the motel, killing her attacker as well as another one of the masked men, revealed to be the gas station attendant that earlier "helped" the couple with their car troubles, who is crushed against the front of the car. She runs into the reception area where she is attacked by an apoplectic Mason. As they fight, Mason beats Amy severely. But in his effort to get a good final shot with his handheld digital video camera, Mason throws Amy within reach of a revolver she had dropped, and she shoots Mason three times. Amy immediately runs to David to find that he is still barely alive. She searches Mason's body for the telephone cord he had pulled out of the wall and tried to use to strangle her, calls 911 again and returns to caress David, who is barely conscious but alive.

Sunday 3 October 2010

what makes each storyline different? is there anything storylines share in common? do any storylines break conventions?

The Fomula

The formula is what one would call the recipe for a genre. 'The formula' consists of many elements which you would expect to see in all Genres. Most genres have selection of elements from which they would illustrate from. It is the elements that make the formula for the genre they sum up what is expected to be seen, the way in which the the elements work together is called 'the formula' . The formula consists of;
Protaganists which are recognisable lead characters, these may be heroes or villains. These lead charactes often have similar trates across a number of genres it is also said that many o the male protaganists are 'Loners' for example the 'Joker' in "The dark knight" suffered in his past life and is now a solo villain terrorising Gotham city.
Stock characters are recognisable though minor characters who play part in the film for example in the "Scream" series faturd actor Courtney cox a member of press although she had a minor role she still featured in all three films.
Plot and stock situations are predictale scenes that one would see given the film genre for example a love story will encouter some kind of confrontation from the past or present therfore leaving the relationship o nthe brink of hope.
Icons are crucial to some genre's the allow the audience to Immediately know what territory they are in just by understanding the icons.
Background and decor this element is very distinctive as it relates to the set, once the audience acknowledge the decor they could instantly imagine the setting.

The Rules For Surviving A Horror Film/ Conventions Of A Horror